Excess for Everything at ISC
ISC has established a significant footprint with our agency partners for Excess Liability for specific industries such as contractors, trucking, and petroleum distributors. We are now pleased to announce that we have expanded our Excess program for a wide range of industry segments, providing you with additional solutions for your clients. Our Excess program is written with a top-tier “A” rated carrier.
Effective immediately, you can place Excess coverage for accounts in our Restaurant/Bar/ Tavern/Nightclub (RBTN) program as well as risks we don’t support with primary coverage. “Our appetite also includes additional hospitality risks, such as hotels and motels,” said Wendy Nowosiadly, CPCU, AU, SVP Underwriting, at ISC.
You can also offer Excess insurance for ISC supported and unsupported real estate accounts. Beef up protection with our Excess coverage for accounts in our Investor Property Program (IPP), with classes of businesses that include commercial, residential, vacant, and other types of properties that fall under the real estate category. Additionally, you can place Excess coverage for non-IPP accounts.
“We will also write Excess coverage for manufacturing risks with product liability exposures, farms and agribusinesses, retailers, wholesale distributors, and service risks,” noted Wendy. “Our broad underwriting guidelines enable us to consider businesses that fall into many types of industry segments.”
Available limits are up to $5 million and can be written in the lead position over the primary Liability policies (General Liability, Commercial Auto, Product Liability, Liquor Liability, etc.) as long as underlying limits meet our attachment points. You can also attach our Excess limits over another carrier’s lead excess or umbrella limits when building a tower for a client.
Excess insurance is critical in today’s highly litigious environment, and ISC is happy to offer agencies another solution to add to their product offerings to protect clients against multimillion-dollar lawsuits and settlements.
For Excess coverage for trucking and petroleum distributors, please continue to send submissions to: truckingsubmissions@northeastnational.com and petroleumexcesssubmissions@northeastnational.com
For all other industries, please send submissions to: excess@iscmga.com.